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28,60 €

Professional powder brush

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28,60 €
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Informazio gehiago POWDER BRUSH

Professional powder brush PRODUKTUAREN DESKRIBAPENA The limited powder brush in ist golden Savanna Spirit design consists of fine premium goat hair in a new, special drop shape, which ensures optimal absorption and release of loose and compact powder. It enables a professional, pleasantly velvety and large-area application. Superfine hair tips are very elastic and durable. High quality brush in professional quality is washable. 1. APLIKAZIOA. Take up powder with the brush and tap off any excess. 2. Starting at the center of the forehead, work towards the temples and then down the sides until you reach the chin. 3. Zakarra, glide over the nose and then onto the cheeks. Pro-Tip: For the care, we recommend foaming up a small amount of Foam Cleanser with water and cleaning the brush with the gentle foam. Eta Then, rinse out with plenty of water and press out the wet foam applicator in a soft cloth. Let it air-dry in horizontal position. Gure trikimailua: Begia profilatzean, mantendu Eye Liner smootha pixka bat inklinatuta, muturra ez dadin lautu. Horrela, marra zehatzagoak egin ahal izango dituzu denbora gehiagoz, erabili aurretik puntarik atera beharrik gabe.

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